Monday 26 September 2011

Kid's Story - Animatrix

Looseness of hand is a lot more commonly practiced in life drawings and takes more of a back seat in animation, but if animation is about what you read between the frames then why cant those frames be free of a perfect form. In the one of the Animatrix shorts 'Kid's Story' the very free handed drawing style in the chase sequences are amazing to look at and add so much to how you read the animation. It's like a real motion blur, unlike a post edited film, animation or even game. This way your eyes (and brain) work in the same way they would if given less information about things like form and space placement. It's something i am interested to study as i feel the post produced 'motion blur' of today has it all wrong. This is how we use our own ways of interpretation best, to make moving imagery move more 'realistically'.

1 comment:

  1. I loved that short film!!!, the animation style it's so damn great. I was wondering if you know any other film done with this style.
