Wednesday 30 November 2011

3D Projection

Me and Ben have been working recently with 3d projection, these are some videos that he found and i told him i could make. we have mapped some chairs in a 3d world just using the projector in university but came across a few snags, mainly from the machine we where using not having any programs on it at all and without internet access. we got round that evenly and i showed ben how to mask objects onto a 3d object and animate it like these examples.

We would both like to take this further but i am not sure if it will help my project in anyway, still it is something i am interested in learning more about. Maybe something interactive would be pretty cool. Maybe 88 boxes in different shapes and sized in a pile with colours projected on them in the colour scale/table i created, then have each assigned to a key on a digital piano?

Monday 14 November 2011

Process of Storytelling

[An interview about my project and the process of storytelling]

"That’s really interesting thanks. So, tell me about your final major project so far?"

I want to make an animation that questions the idea of being different. Everyone wants to make something different, it is how people try to get themselves noticed. I however, want to make something then draw attention to what you are really seeing. My main idea stems from thoughts about the process of representation in that we can find form in things like TV static. The differences are quite minimal but as human beings we interrupt information through mediums and convert it into the characters, emotions and environments we see on screen. I guess my grand gesture is about the conversion of screen based mediums and how, in a digital age, we unquestionably accept what is on it even if we interrupt it wrongly. I'm interested in how people find narrative in sequences whether it is intentional or not. Animation fits this type of approach perfectly.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

TV Static

TV scene - rough sketches

The audience to the Disney Deforestation, TV is reduced to static and still they watch. Phase-out of TV for shot entrance, pan/zoom out of window to stage left for exit.

Monday 7 November 2011

Disney Deforestation - Stage Setup

2.5D test of a few different trees and perspective with zooms, pans and animated objects at different depths.

Disney Deforestation - Tree Cutter

Tree Cutter general design - Disney deforestation opening

Character design for the tree cutters at the beginning of the animation opening sequence.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Character Design

Im still not sure about the colours, they will change a lot over time.

Crunchy, Thirsty and Mr Milligan - All animals in the petting zoo, the zoo is a representation of university life, the outside world being the working world.

Teef-Rex - As much of a main character as you may get, in the first sketch, Him trying to put on a wacom glove.

Officer Balloon - Does nothing, is just a balloon with a hat.

Chicken - Reports a crime to the officer.

Cowboy - The antagonists, enters scene from right to left just like a western. Steals from the chicken.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Research and Development

Work Adventure:
A plan to get some work done.

  • Character design.
  • Character profiles.
  • Short review of what I am trying to achieve and basic plot.
  • World profile.
  • Story-line (general happenings).
  • Script.