Monday 12 December 2011

Audio Piano Tests

I did some piano tests (mainly to learn how to best hook a piano up to a mic) i couldnt get the audio files onto my blog but they are in the Blog Data files on my hand-in disk under: blog_data > data > audio.

Tree Test

Instead of having Disney trees i decided to have tress made from textures of paper and have them cut down by loggers using scissors.

Although they are still trees it changes the shift from natural beauty to world resource. I wanted to use a paper texture as a reminder of what trees mean to the production of modern living and for a more physical feel then the rest of the animation, textures may be used in other places but not over used.

Short Render

Monday 5 December 2011


Storyboarding is a long process that for me feels longer then actually animating the same content. I still haven't come to a final board but will have to start animating something before finalising this to give a feel of workload and length. At the start i felt this was a 1:30 to 2 minute project but i can already see parts that are filling out. May have to do an animatic that i don't really have time for but it would save time to cut content in the animatic then the final animated sequence. As alway with animation projects i wish i had more time.