Saturday 19 May 2012

Newport Animation 2012 Blog Information

“An Animation About Nothing”
by Ryan Gregory

Synopsis: An animation about nothing, individual ideas forced together in a world of believable co-existence.

Bio: Ryan has experience in traditional 2D, 3D and CGI but chooses animate in 2D digital drawn animation. His background before studying animation was working in computer aided design but he packed it all in to learn more about animating, one of his pass-times since an early age. He also likes long walks on the beech and writing about himself in the third person.

Sunday 13 May 2012

Colour Wheel

You can take any three colours and create some interesting tertiary with them. As long of the contrast is relative in there primary mixes. I wanted to explore this in the animation but lack of time meant i could only use base colours instead of using interesting highlights.

Sunday 15 January 2012



1) Negotiated Proposal 

a) outline your proposal idea - synopsis, treatment  (BLOGED)
b) contextualise your proposed idea in relation to - practice, inspirations aspirations (BLOGED)
c) outline roles and responsibilities (ALL ME)
d) develop a schedule for the whole year 
e) formulate a suitable budget (£0)
2) Production Bible (BLOGED)

a) concept work 
b) storyboards 
c) character designs 
d) scripts 
e) visualisations 
f) set designs 

3) Feasibility Study

a) animatic – full time-based run through 
b) line-tests 
c) fully constructed sets/models 
d) animation tests 
e) time based experiments 
f) visualisations 


1) Work Placement Report/Industry Report

a) a self reflexive critical review on some aspect of the animation industry, and where you see yourself fitting in – 1000 words
b) a report on recent work experience in the animation industry - 1000words 
b) photos and/or images

2) Professional Practice

a) Curriculum Vitae 
b) business card 
c) letter of introduction 
d) showreel 
e) portfolio